Date Published
Charles Zedlewski
Word count
Hacker News points


This month's newsletter highlights updates from Temporal v1.20, including new features such as simplified local development environment with Temporal CLI and Scheduled Actions for Workflows scheduling. The server has also seen improvements in Advanced Visibility on SQL, Archival overhaul, and more. SDK Updates include .NET Activity Worker and Client support, context-aware data converters in Java, Eager Workflow Start in Go, Python support for Scheduled Workflows, and AOT compilation support via GraalVM. The DevRel team has released new content and tutorials for various SDKs, including Python, TypeScript, and Go. Upcoming events include meetups and conferences such as DevOxx France, Pycon US, and DevOpsDays Denver. Community spotlight features an article by a community member on Sagas in Microservices. The newsletter also encourages users to reach out for design assistance or submit a CFP for Replay 2023.