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In this tutorial, we continued building our YouTube clone by adding user authentication and profile management functionality. We used the Flutter framework to create a mobile application that interacts with a Strapi CMS backend. Here's a summary of what we learned in this tutorial: 1. Implemented user authentication using Provider package and JWT tokens. 2. Created an AuthScreen widget for signing up or logging in users. 3. Stored user data in the UserProvider class and updated UI based on user login status. 4. Added a ProfileScreen widget to display user profile information, manage videos, and upload new videos. 5. Used ImagePicker package to pick thumbnail images and video files from the device gallery. 6. Implemented video playback preview using VideoPlayerController. 7. Updated HomeScreen navigation to access ProfileScreen after signing in or signing up. The complete code for this tutorial is available here on my Github repository. I hope you enjoyed this series. Happy coding!