Date Published
Liran Tal
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docker run -it --rm [docker-image-name-goes-here] /bin/bash` allows developers to open a shell for a Node.js Docker image, enabling them to debug issues or explore the container's file system structure. To find out which Node.js runtime version is installed in a Docker image, developers can use `docker image inspect [image-name] | jq '.[0].Config.Env'`, which outputs environment variables including the Node.js version. For M1-optimized Docker images, developers should verify the image architecture using `docker image inspect --format '{{ .Architecture }}' <image_name>`. The `docker diff` command shows changes made to a container's file system since it was created and can be used to identify security vulnerabilities or unexpected changes in Node.js application files. Snyk can scan Docker images for vulnerabilities, providing a comprehensive report and actionable remediation advice. To produce an SBOM (software bill of materials) for a Docker image using Snyk, developers can use `snyk container test <image-name> --json | jq .packageManager`. The Docker Image SHA ID is crucial for referencing Docker images in automated scripts or to ensure consistency across environments. Using the SHA ID instead of the tag in Docker Compose files ensures that the exact version of the image is used, avoiding unexpected changes if the image tag is updated. To get the Docker container IP address, developers can use `docker inspect --format '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' [container_name_or_id]`. The `docker top node` command provides insights into Node.js child processes inside a Docker container. Querying Node.js container image metadata at the Docker Registry API can provide comprehensive information about the image, including version specifics and dependencies.