The Neo4j community is now testing the Cypher-JDBC-Driver, which connects to the Neo4j Server Cypher endpoint and implements the JDBC API's to execute Cypher statements remotely. The driver has been tested with various tools such as LibreOffice/OpenOffice, IntelliJ IDEA, DbVisualizer, and JDBC-ODBC bridge on Windows. To further improve the driver, the community is now seeking public testing of the driver with a range of SQL/JDBC tools, including those used for Business Intelligence solutions like Qlikview. The driver has been improved with internal refactoring, bug fixes, support for Streaming Mode of Neo4j-Server, and integration with embedded or in-memory graph databases. To participate in the testing, users can download the driver, set it up to point to a Neo4j Server, and fill out a Google Survey form to provide their findings. The community team will compile a blog post with all contributions, update the Driver with necessary fixes, and make it available as part of the Neo4j distribution.