This week in Neo4j saw significant developments across various areas of the graph database ecosystem. The release of version of the Neo4j Graph Algorithms library, which now supports weighted PageRank, was a notable highlight. This feature was showcased in blog posts by Tomaz Bratanic and Plushcap (me!), where we demonstrated its effectiveness in finding influential IP addresses on an AT&T Network telecommunications dataset from Kaggle. In another area, Joe Depeau presented a webinar on modeling financial risk using Neo4j, focusing on FRTB compliance, while also demonstrating how to model investment risk at the trading desk level as a graph. Additionally, Alex Tavgen shared an article about using Neo4j to store the storylines of an interactive theatre production, where audience participation influenced the next scene. The Graph Gallery was also launched, providing single-page applications that take advantage of Neo4j Desktop's management services for Neo4j databases. Other notable topics included extensibility for Java developers, Kubernetes backups, and next-generation chatbots with NLP services and graphs.