This week in Neo4j covers various topics including Full-Text Search, large-scale system use cases, and community member features. Christophe Willemsen has been exploring the Full-Text Search feature released in Neo4j 3.5, explaining how Apache Lucene works under the covers. Dr Jim Webber discusses using Neo4j for very large scale systems, while Lju Lazarevic provides a blog post on importing RDFS/OWL ontologies into Neo4j. The community member section highlights Michael Simons, who has been actively contributing to Neo4j through building examples, writing articles, and giving talks. Additionally, Azeem Azhar interviews Emil Eifrem on the Exponential View podcast, discussing graph databases and their applications. Jennifer Reif continues her Marvel series with a post on creating data-rich views using Spring Data Neo4j. The week's featured tweet is from Joe Depeau about the Graph Databases book by @OReillyMedia.