This week in Neo4j has been about supercharging developer productivity with the latest release of neo4j-graphql.js, which now allows developers to spin up a GraphQL API backed by a graph database with just type definitions. The new features include auto-generating query/mutation types and resolvers, augmenting a GraphQL schema with pagination, ordering, and _id fields, flexible handling of relationship types, and middleware support for authentication/authorization. Additionally, there have been releases of the Kettle plugins for Neo4j, which now add metadata injection support to handle more complex scenarios. The community has also seen blog posts on using the Cosine similarity algorithm to find similar Game of Thrones episodes based on character appearances, a word-pair frequency graph in Neo4j, and building graphs based on the Medium blogging platform. A video tutorial has been created showing how to get up and running with the Neo4j Sandbox, which creates a temporary Neo4j instance in the cloud for learning about Neo4j graphs. The community has also seen an experience report from the GraphConnect conference, interviews on the podcast, and a tweet of the week that showcases the power of Neo4j queries.