This week in Neo4j saw releases of the APOC and Neo4j JDBC Driver, as well as a paper on deriving socially useful information from public blockchains. The Neo4j community featured Michael Graham, a full stack developer who has been working with GraphQL and Cypher query execution layer for Neo4j and JavaScript GraphQL implementations. There were also webinars on how graphs revolutionize identity and access management, and a refresh of the Neo4j ETL guide. In terms of releases, Tom Sawyer Perspectives version 8.2 was released with model-based engineering enhancements, while Neo4j JDBC Driver version 3.4.0 added support for spatial and temporal data types. The summer release of APOC brought new features such as reverse geocoding and base 64 URL encoding. Additionally, a paper on blockchain analytics and two papers on biological knowledge networks were published, showcasing the versatility of Neo4j in various domains.