Welcome to This Week in Neo4j, your weekly fix for news from the world of graph databases! The Knowledge Graph for RAG Course on Deeplearning is a perfect timing for next week's Knowledge Graph Conference. Additionally, this edition has a recap from an Open Source AI Meetup and instructions on adding RAG to your GraphQL API. The NODES 2024 Call for Papers is now open, inviting submissions of graph stories. A few links have been added for Graph Database Beginners, including a recent GraphAcademy Live where Neo4j & LLM Fundamentals were covered. The Knowledge Graph Conference and AWS Summit are coming up next week in New York on May 6 and Singapore on May 7 respectively. Meetups will take place in New York on May 7, Sydney on May 8, and Bengaluru on May 11. Neo4j Events include webinars and more. The GraphSummit Series is getting connected with graphs, with the next event taking place in Sydney, AU on May 9. GRAPHACADEMY offers Neo4j Fundamentals, a watchable version of the course, and a tryable version called Neo4j AuraDB Free. Johannes Jolkkonen, a data architect and consultant specializing in Azure and LLM applications, is featured as a community member. A recent livestream addressed entity resolution and deduplication with Neo4j and GenAI. Andreas Kollegger will teach a course on using knowledge graphs within RAG applications. Paco Nathan will deliver a masterclass at the Knowledge Graph Conference, constructing a knowledge graph in Neo4j and comparing the before/after impact of resolving duplicate records. Jesús Barrasa will deliver a keynote Exploring AI's Future: The Convergence of Knowledge Graphs and LLMs on Thursday. An open-source AI meetup took place during KubeCon Paris last month, gathering builders from the AI community. Adam Cowley looked into adding RAG to GraphQL APIs and found the generate resolver as a flexible approach. Finally, DirectoryRanger shared an Active Directory audit tool that leverages cypher queries to crunch data from BloodHound graph database.