In this week's video, David Meza presents a Knowledge Graph of Competency, Skills, and Knowledge at NASA, explaining how to build a graph that combines domain occupation ontologies with employees' individual skills. Max De Marzi starts a series of blog posts on using faux bitmap indexes to optimise single model queries in Neo4j. Will Lyon publishes Fullstack GraphQL Applications with GRANDstack, offering a free download of three chapters. David Makogon is featured as the community member of the week, having spent 30 years working with software and helping others through StackOverflow. The Summer of Nodes challenge concludes with exploring New York's Central Park graph. Max De Marzi also releases a blog post on using boolean filtering to improve query performance in Neo4j. Additionally, JQAssistant helps with refactoring and supports Neo4j and Docker, while Ng Wai Foong writes an introduction to the Neo4j Graph Platform for beginners.