Spring Data Neo4j RX is a full-fledged Spring application that leverages Spring Data's ecosystem, providing mapping and conversion support built-in. The library brings all mapping capabilities within the framework, making it easy to work with an instance of Neo4j created for use within a Spring Boot application. It supports immutable entities and reactive programming model, allowing users to take control over the stream of data they're querying for. The library bases its connections on the Java Driver, ensuring stable communication and utilizing the driver's type system reflecting the database's one. Users can access their domain by using a repository for the aggregate root as described in Domain Driven Design, or have more control over the querying and mapping process with the Neo4jTemplate and Neo4jClient. The library also includes CypherDSL, an experimental API that provides a public surface and features of the DSL, allowing users to try it out despite potential changes. To get started, users can create a new Spring Boot application using start.spring.io and add the Spring Data Neo4j RX starter dependency, then model their domain according to the documentation and create a suitable repository definition to access their data.