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Neo4j Staff
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The Neo4j World Wide Tour is a series of events where attendees can learn about graph databases and Neo4j, with sessions led by industry experts. The tour will cover cities on the East Coast, West Coast, and South-West of the United States, as well as major European cities like Stockholm, Paris, and London. The first part of the tour has been announced, with dates and locations revealed for events in Boston, Washington, Durham, Atlanta, New York, Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal, Seattle, Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco, Austin, Dallas, and Denver. These events will feature talks on Neo4j, graph databases, and related topics, as well as opportunities to network with attendees. The tour is designed to spread "graph love" around the world and provide a platform for learning and sharing knowledge about graph technologies. Pernilla, the community manager at Neo Technology, invites individuals to host their own Neo4j meetups in their cities or contribute to the community.