Neo4j has been used in the telecom industry for both churn reduction and event log data, but this application is at a business level that consumes services provided by the telecom provider. Call detail records (CDR) provide insights into telecommunications activity such as inbound calls, outbound calls, dropped calls, abandoned calls, and unanswered calls, helping organizations track details on extensions, toll fraud, and multiple locations, while also preventing productivity loss and controlling expenses. CDR data can reach big data proportions for some enterprise businesses, making it a challenge to update large tables in Microsoft SQL Server. A graph data model stores call detail records in nodes, relationships, and properties, with metadata setup to manage the data effectively. The solution utilizes Neo4j to process the data, providing orders of magnitude improvement in generating statistics on all call types compared to Microsoft SQL Server. This application can be used for various purposes such as employee utilization analysis, voicemail management, call distributions, and billing disputes verification. By modeling the CDR data with Neo4j, organizations can make better management and personnel decisions by analyzing patterns and trends, while also generating reports on money spent on calling minutes by specific departments or business units at different locations.