The Neo4j Innovation Lab is a global team that facilitates Applied Innovation workshops with customers and prospects to accelerate their time to validate Neo4j and explore the value proposition of connected data within enterprises. The lab helps companies identify and prototype around use cases to shorten the validation span, bringing together strategy, design, field engineers, and data science expertise to facilitate the process. Design thinking plays a crucial role in these workshops, allowing customers to bring their domain expertise and craft the use case together. Participants have reported that they accomplish an impressive amount of work in just a week, even on projects that they've been thinking about for years. The lab's methodology is well-suited for graph technology, which can help address cultural problems within large enterprises and connect disparate data sources to build better products and services. To find their next use case, companies should look at the adjacent possible by adding new data sources or perspectives to what they're already doing, inviting a natural fit for graphs and a creative space to discover new opportunities.