Neo4j is a graph database that fits into the modern cloud ecosystem as part of full stack development, particularly in operational workloads. It can be integrated with other technologies through an API layer to handle tasks such as data modeling and loading. The Neo4j Graph Platform offers various tools for developers, including Arrows for graph diagramming and the APOC procedure library for working with JSON data. GitHub Actions can be used to automate tasks such as loading data into Neo4j AuraDB instances. The Neo4j GraphQL Library provides a no-JS solution for building JavaScript GraphQL APIs, which can be used to expose application data to frontend applications. A React app built using Next.js and the Apollo Client library can be used to visualize graph data in real-time, with GitHub Actions continuously updating the data in the background. Deployment of the application is done through Vercel, a platform optimized for developers. The application was built on Neo4j Livestream, where live coding and Q&A sessions are held. Resources such as Neo4j AuraDB free tier, the Neo4j GraphQL Library, GraphAcademy, and job openings can be found online.