In the wake of California's CCPA regulation, Nevada and New York have introduced their own privacy regulations, with Canada, Mexico, Texas, Washington, and many other states closely monitoring the development of personal data privacy compliance. To address these complex data lineage problems, a modern graph database platform like Neo4j is considered superior to relational and most NoSQL technologies. Traditional approaches to data privacy compliance often require colossal mazes of JOIN tables and thousands of lines of SQL code, leading to complexity and maintenance issues. In contrast, Neo4j stores and connects data as a graph, making it the ideal technology for privacy compliance. To achieve compliance, organizations can follow four steps: inventorying their systems, building a logical data model, developing and testing their system using Neo4j's Privacy Shield Framework, and visualizing and responding to compliance requests with tools like Neo4j Bloom. With Neo4j, organizations can propel themselves down the fastest and most cost-effective path to personal privacy compliance.