Date Published
Hari Sapna Nair
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Microservices design patterns are a collection of practices and solutions to common issues in microservices architecture's design, deployment, and maintenance. They provide a structured approach to solving recurring problems such as service communication, fault tolerance, scalability, etc., ensuring that microservices work seamlessly in a cohesive and resilient manner. Some important microservice principles include API Integration, Traffic Management, Data Storage Segregation, Unique Source Of Identification, etc. Various patterns like the event-driven pattern, saga pattern, bulkhead pattern, event sourcing design pattern, etc., help us solve collaboration, performance, deployment issues, etc. These microservices design patterns can be categorized into three main areas: Effective Collaboration, Performance Monitoring, and Business Purposes. Effective Collaboration includes patterns like Aggregator Microservice Design Pattern, Branch Microservice Design Pattern, API Gateway Microservice Design Pattern, Backend for Front-End (BFF) Microservice Design Pattern, Event-Driven Microservice Design Pattern, Asynchronous Messaging Microservice Design Pattern, and Chained or Chain of Responsibility Microservice Design Pattern. Performance Monitoring includes Log Aggregation Microservice Design Pattern, Synthetic Monitoring Microservice Design Pattern, API Health Check Microservice Design Pattern, Circuit Breaker Microservice Design Pattern. Business Purposes include Unique Microservice for each Business Capability, Microservices around similar Business Capability, Strangler Vine Microservice Design Pattern, Saga Microservice Design Pattern, Backend for Front-End (BFF) Microservice Design Pattern, Event-Driven Microservice Design Pattern, Chained or Chain of Responsibility Microservice Design Pattern, Circuit Breaker Microservice Design Pattern, and Sidecar Microservice Design Pattern. Microservices design patterns also play a crucial role in optimizing database storage and seamless deployment. These include Individual Database per Service, Shared Database per Service, Event Sourcing Microservice Design Pattern, CQRS Microservice Design Pattern, Service Discovery, Blue-Green Deployment Microservice Design Pattern, Externalized Configuration Microservice Design Pattern, and API Gateway Microservice Design Pattern.