In this tutorial, we will learn how to handle dropdowns in Selenium WebDriver using Python. We will explore different methods to select or deselect options from a dropdown and also discuss ways to handle multiple selections if allowed by the dropdown. Additionally, we will cover scenarios where an element is not interactable due to its invisibility or being obscured by another element.
To get started with this tutorial, you should have basic knowledge of Python programming language and Selenium WebDriver. You can refer to our previous tutorials on Introduction to Selenium WebDriver and Installing Selenium WebDriver in Python for more information.
Let's begin!
## Handling Dropdowns Using Select Class
Selenium provides a built-in class named `Select` under the module ``. This class is specifically designed to handle HTML SELECT tags, which are commonly used for creating dropdown menus in web applications.
The `Select` class offers several methods that can be used to interact with a dropdown element:
- `select_by_visible_text(value)` : Selects an option from the dropdown by its visible text.
- `select_by_value(value)` : Selects an option from the dropdown by its value attribute.
- `select_by_index(index)` : Selects an option from the dropdown by its index position.
- `deselect_all()` : Deselects all selected options in a multi-select dropdown.
- `deselect_by_visible_text(value)` : Deselects an option from the dropdown by its visible text.
- `deselect_by_value(value)` : Deselects an option from the dropdown by its value attribute.
- `deselect_by_index(index)` : Deselects an option from the dropdown by its index position.
- `get_options()` : Returns a list of all options in the dropdown.
- `get_all_selected_options()` : Returns a list of all currently selected options in the dropdown.
Let's see how we can use these methods to interact with a dropdown element on a webpage.
### Example 1: Selecting an Option from Dropdown
Consider the following HTML code snippet that contains a simple dropdown menu:
<select id="lang" name="lang">
<option value="java">Java</option>
<option value="python">Python</option>
<option value="csharp">C#</option>
<option value="ruby">Ruby</option>
<option value="javascript">JavaScript</option>
We can use the `Select` class to interact with this dropdown as follows:
from selenium import webdriver
from import Select
# initialize a new instance of Chrome browser and open the target url
driver = webdriver.Chrome()
# navigate to the URL containing the dropdown
# identify the select element with id="lang" using Selectors and select an option from it by its visible text
dropdown = driver.find_element_by_id('lang')
# creating a selenium Select webelement of html <select> tag
selectElement = Select(driver.find_element_by_id('lang'))
# using selenium webdriver's select class methods to find an option with visible text "Python" and selecting it
# print the selected value of dropdown
print("Selected option from dropdown : "+selectElement.first_selected_option.get_attribute('innerText'))
In this example, we first locate the `<select>` element using its ID attribute and then create a Selenium Select web element object for it. After that, we use the `select_by_visible_text()` method of the Select class to select an option from the dropdown by its visible text ("Python"). Finally, we print out the selected value of the dropdown using the `first_selected_option` property of the Select class.
### Example 2: Deselecting All Selected Options in a Multi-Select Dropdown
Consider the following HTML code snippet that contains a multi-select dropdown menu:
<select id="lang2" name="lang2" multiple>
<option value="java">Java</option>
<option value="python">Python</option>
<option value="csharp">C#</option>
<option value="ruby">Ruby</option>
<option value="javascript">JavaScript</option>
We can use the `Select` class to interact with this multi-select dropdown as follows:
from selenium import webdriver
from import Select
# initialize a new instance of Chrome browser and open the target url
driver = webdriver.Chrome()
# navigate to the URL containing the dropdown
# identify the select element with id="lang2" using Selectors and check if attribute "multiple" is present in it.
dropdown = driver.find_element_by_id('lang2')
if dropdown.get_attribute("multiple"):
# xpath selector to find the element with text "C#" and "PHP" respectively
myOption = driver.find_element_by_xpath("//select[@multiple]/option[contains(text(), 'C#')]")
myOption1 = driver.find_element_by_xpath("//select[@multiple]/option[contains(text(), 'PHP')]")
# using actionchains to select multiple options
# pausing program execution for few seconds
# creating a selenium Select webelement of html <select> tag
dropdown = Select(driver.find_element_by_id('lang2'))
# using selenium webdriver's select class methods to find all selected options and printing it's text. Ideally, here output should be "PHP, C#"
print("All selected options using ActionChains : \n")
for opt in dropdown.all_selected_options:
# clearing the php selection we performed in last step
# Again printing the active selections, this time output should be only c#
print("Remaining selected options after deselecting PHP : \n")
for opt in dropdown.all_selected_options:
# Using selenium select class method to deselect all options
# Using different select class methods, to select multiple options
# selecting by index, Java
# selecting by value - php
# selecting by text - python
# printing active selections - output should include all three php, python, java
print("All selected options after selecting using different select class methods : \n")
for opt in dropdown.all_selected_options:
# to select all possible options
dropdown = Select(driver.find_element_by_id('lang2'))
for opt in dropdown.options:
# all four selected options should be output
print("Selected option lists after selecting all of them : \n")
for opt in dropdown.all_selected_options:
except Exception as e:
print("get_attribute didn't work!")
In this example, we first locate the `<select>` element using its ID attribute and then create a Selenium Select web element object for it. After that, we use the `key_down()`, `click()`, and `key_up()` methods of the ActionChains class to simulate pressing and releasing the CTRL key while clicking on multiple options in the dropdown. Then, we use different select class methods (`select_by_index()`, `select_by_value()`, and `select_by_visible_text()`) to select multiple options from the dropdown. Finally, we print out all currently selected options using the `all_selected_options` property of the Select class.
### Example 3: Handling Dropdowns with Invisible or Obscured Options
Sometimes, you may encounter situations where an option in a dropdown is not visible or clickable due to some other element obscuring it. In such cases, you can use JavaScript executor feature of Selenium WebDriver to make the invisible/obscured option visible and clickable before interacting with it.
Here's how you can do this:
from selenium import webdriver
# initialize a new instance of Chrome browser and open the target url
driver = webdriver.Chrome()
# navigate to the URL containing the dropdown
# identify the select element with id="lang1" using Selectors and try clicking invisible element
langDropdown = driver.find_element_by_xpath('//select[@id="lang1"]')
except Exception as e:
# identify the select element with id="lang" using Selectors and try clicking visible element
myOption = driver.find_element_by_xpath('//select[@id="lang"]/option[@value="python"]')
# Get the selected value of element under target and element hovering target
selectedOption = Select(driver.find_element_by_xpath('//select[@id="lang"]'))
selected_option = selectedOption.first_selected_option.text
except Exception as e:
selected_option = "None"
# Get the selected value of element under target and element hovering target
selectedOption1 = driver.find_element_by_xpath('//select[@id="lang1"]/following-sibling::div[1]').text
selected_option1 = selectedOption1.get_attribute("innerText")
except Exception as e:
selected_option1 = "None"
# Print the selected values
print("Selected option from dropdown : "+selected_option)
print("Selected value of element under target and element hovering target : "+selected_option1)
In this example, we first locate the `<select>` element using its ID attribute and then create a Selenium Select web element object for it. After that, we try clicking on an invisible option in another dropdown menu (which is obscured by another element) using the ActionChains class. If this operation fails due to invisibilityerrorhandling dropdowns in your web application project tasks test automation cloud testing tools tools tools happy testing!!!?