Date Published
Jason Myers
Word count
Hacker News points


The article discusses infrastructure monitoring using the TIG stack - Telegraf, InfluxDB, and Grafana. It highlights how these tools can be used to ensure reliability and performance of applications and systems. The author explains that while traditional monitoring approaches fall short in providing real-time insights and proactive problem-solving, InfluxDB offers a robust solution for all monitoring needs. The article covers the difference between monitoring and observability, using Telegraf for data collection, InfluxDB for data storage, and Grafana for visualizing and acting on data. It also emphasizes how InfluxDB 3.0 brings significant improvements for handling time series data, including enhanced storage and compression, faster ingestion of data, real-time querying using SQL, and the ability to handle logs, traces, events, and metrics. The versatility of Telegraf is also highlighted due to its plug-in-driven nature, which supports over 300 plugins for ingesting and outputting data. The author concludes by encouraging readers to try out InfluxDB for themselves by signing up for a free account.