Date Published
Aidan Tai
Word count
Hacker News points


The article discusses an intern's experience at InfluxData, a company that develops software for the Internet of Things (IoT) community. The author highlights their excitement about learning and contributing to this field through open-source projects like InfluxDB. They also share their journey in understanding InfluxDB by participating in the InfluxDays Challenge, which provides an overview of InfluxDB, Telegraf, and Flux. The challenge involves uploading data into InfluxDB using either an annotated CSV or through Telegraf plugins. Once the data is added, users can set up queries with the Data Explorer UI and convert that query into Flux code. Finally, they can create a dashboard to visualize their data. The author concludes by emphasizing how InfluxDB offers simple ways to upload, visualize, and filter data, making it easier for users to plan future projects using real-time data.