Date Published
Suyash Joshi
Word count
Hacker News points


This article discusses the integration of Android apps with InfluxDB Cloud Serverless for efficient management and analysis of real-time data generated by apps, games, and other services. The author presents a 'Sensor Logging' use case where an Android Java app captures motion data from accelerometers and gyroscopes in a smartphone and stores it in InfluxDB Cloud. The data is ingested at sub-second speeds and then queried within the app to display a line graph using a third-party charting library. The integration process includes setting up Android Studio, creating an account with InfluxDB, adding necessary Gradle dependencies, initializing the InfluxDB client, writing sensor data to the bucket, querying data from InfluxDB, and finally visualizing the data in the app using a line chart created by the MPAndroidChart library. The author concludes that this setup allows for seamless data logging, querying, and visualization directly within Android apps.