Date Published
Charlie Kingston
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In this episode, Pete and Chris discuss how incident management has evolved over time and how it varies across different organizations. They emphasize the importance of having a clear definition of an incident and share their thoughts on severities and statuses. Additionally, they explore the role of data in incident management and provide examples of non-engineering incidents that have occurred within their own careers. Some key takeaways from this episode include: 1. The concept of an "incident" has evolved over time, with more organizations embracing a broader definition that includes minor issues or bugs. This shift in perspective can help reduce the fear and stigma associated with incidents. 2. Severities and statuses play a crucial role in incident management, as they provide a framework for understanding and categorizing different types of incidents. While it's important to have some level of standardization across an organization, teams should also be flexible in adapting these models to their specific needs. 3. Data is essential for effective incident management, both during the live response phase and after the fact when analyzing trends and patterns. Structured data can help organizations make more informed decisions about risk mitigation and resource allocation. 4. While many incidents tend to be technical in nature, non-engineering incidents can also occur within an organization. These types of incidents may require different approaches or skill sets but still benefit from a structured incident management process.