Behind the Flame is a series created to showcase the incidents of, a digital folder for pager alerts. The series features Tom Petty, Product Designer at, who shares his favorite memories and insights about working with the company. He emphasizes the importance of creativity, magic, and making it easy for others to see value in things that might otherwise be overlooked. Tom's favorite benefit is the first Friday of the month, which allows everyone to reset before the next Monday. He also highlights the value of collaboration between teams, citing how there are no barriers between teams at, leading to normal conversations rather than formal collaborations. The company needs a reliable incident management tool because mistakes will happen, and having the right tools can help mitigate issues and lead to better outcomes for both the company and its customers. Throughout the series, Tom shares his experiences working on various projects, including the app, which he is proud of improving people's experience when they're on call. Overall, Behind the Flame provides a unique glimpse into the culture and values of, highlighting the importance of creativity, collaboration, and making it easy for others to see value in things that might otherwise be overlooked.