Date Published
March 17, 2021
Praveen Durairaju
Word count
Hacker News points


The latest version of Hasura, v2.0, introduces significant changes to the GraphQL Engine, including support for multiple data sources and generating REST APIs. This post provides a guide on how to migrate from Hasura v1.3 to v2.0 in different scenarios. In v2.0, users can connect to multiple Postgres DBs or even different databases like SQL Server. The metadata is stored in Postgres and can be configured using HASURA_GRAPHQL_METADATA_URL pointing to a separate Postgres DB. For self-hosted OSS Hasura GraphQL Engine, users can update the docker image to point to the latest version. In case of Hasura Cloud, updates will be rolled out automatically to all existing instances. The latest version of Hasura CLI is required for managing metadata and migrations using the CLI.