Platform engineering is a humanistic approach that aims to reduce human error-driven vulnerabilities in cloud estates. By designing and building tools and workflows, platform engineers can create a cohesive, secure, and efficient enterprise cloud operating model. This approach is critical for organizations with siloed cultures, where development and operations teams often work at cross-purposes. An internal developer platform (IDP) is a key component of this approach, providing security, development, and operations components in a single, scalable framework. By implementing an IDP, organizations can reduce human error and risk, improve software developer productivity, and create a single point of engagement for cybersecurity, software development, IT operations teams, and compliance. The platform engineer's role is to shift left, putting testing, vulnerability scans, and best practice templating in the earlier stages of software development, and to implement a security plane into every developer workflow. This approach can mitigate risk and improve efficiency by driving consistency, streamlining developer workflows, scaling compliance and security practices at scale through automation, and providing strong protection that is invisible to users.