Date Published
Kelly Kohlleffel
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Amazon Redshift Serverless was released in July 2022 as a serverless-based approach to computing, eliminating the need for users to provision and manage compute infrastructure. It allows data analysts, engineers, scientists, and professionals to develop, build, and run data products and applications without designing, provisioning, or managing data warehouse clusters. Redshift Serverless provides a quick and easy setup process with $300 in free trial credits. Users can change their RPU base capacity from 32 to 512 in increments of 8, with wait times ranging from under four minutes to over seven minutes. The Query Editor v2 allows users to run queries on the provided sample datasets. Redshift Serverless also provides snapshots for point-in-time backups and recovery points every 30 minutes. AWS offers a range of out-of-the-box dashboards for query, database, and resource monitoring. Users can set alarms for workgroups, namespaces, or snapshot storage. Unlike provisioned clusters, Redshift Serverless only charges users when queries are run, with data storage costs still applying. The service is available across various AWS regions in North America, EMEA, and APAC. Overall, Redshift Serverless offers a simple, intuitive user experience while maintaining key features and functionality.