Dragonfly Cluster is a high performance, vertically scalable data workload solution that soon will offer horizontal scalability as well. It achieves horizontal scalability through sharding, with each cluster consisting of one or more shards, each containing a master node and zero or more replicas. Data is distributed across shards using a slot-based approach. Dragonfly supports dynamic rebalancing without downtime and multi-key operations as long as all involved keys reside within the same hash slot. It offers seamless migration for existing Redis Cluster clients, with full adherence to Redis Cluster's client-facing behavior. The system calculates the hash slot based solely on the content within curly braces {} of a key, allowing users to explicitly control key distribution across shards. Dragonfly only provides a server but not a control plane to manage cluster deployments, with node health monitoring, automatic failovers, and slot redistribution provided as part of the Dragonfly Cloud service.