The DigitalOcean Kubernetes Starter Kit is designed to help organizations save weeks of learning time in bootstrapping a production-ready cluster using curated, open tools with pre-configured examples. It simplifies Day 2 operations by providing step-by-step tutorials on important operations like logging and monitoring, ingress, enabling backups, autoscaling, automation, and optimizing your cluster in a way that makes sense for you and your customers. The starter kit uses Loki for logging, using promtail to send worker nodes and application logs to Loki, Grafana for visualizing and analyzing logs, and DigitalOcean block storage or Spaces for logs. For monitoring, Kube-prom-stack is used, allowing developers to monitor the DigitalOcean control plane, nodes, and applications and receive metrics data stored in DigitalOcean block storage. Ingress helps route incoming traffic to appropriate backend services, with Nginx being a popular Ingress Controller covered in detail. Velero and Triliovault are provided as backup solutions, while HorizontalPodAutoscaler (HPA) is used for auto-scaling. GitOps tools like Flux CD or Argo CD fetch current configuration from the Git repository and apply required changes to your Kubernetes cluster to maintain the desired state.