Date Published
Marko A. Rodriguez
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Winter had arrived, and traversers Grasily Gremssman and his comrades from bootcamp were stationed at vertex v[32] on a graph world at war. The graph is composed of vertices (nodes) and edges (relationships), and traversers are grouped into battalions called traversals. Traversers have been creating structures within the graph, transforming it from a void to an interconnected mesh. Graphologists argue over the growth of the graph, with some speculating that it will stop growing while others believe it will expand forever. The graph has two fundamental traversals: the Big Traversal and the Small Traversal, which have grown the graph to an innumerable number of vertices and edges. Traversers are now able to move between different graphs through anonymous traversals. Gremivasa Gremanujan's enlightenment led to the development of the LazyBarrierStrategy, which has been advantageous in situations where the traversal analyzes recurrence in a particular region of the graph. Traversers are now able to choose their own destiny within certain traversals, and many see a more harmonious relationship between the traversal and the traverser.