Date Published
David Jones-Gilardi
Word count
Hacker News points


In this three-part series, we will discuss upgrading the KillrVideo Java reference application from Cassandra based tabular searches to using DSE Search. Part 1 focuses on the "before" picture and how searches were previously implemented with Cassandra tables. We explore various types of searches in KillrVideo, including typeahead search, tag-based search, and more videos like this search. The text also delves into the underlying CQL schemas for tags_by_letter and videos_by_tag tables, as well as the VideoAddedHandlers class responsible for performing actions every time a video is added to KillrVideo. In part 2, we will explain the transition to DSE Search and considerations taken into account, along with before and after code comparisons. Finally, in part 3, we will examine our results and explore more advanced types of searches that can now be performed.