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At ApacheCon, Patrick McFadin of DataStax announced the release of an open-source tool allowing developers to run their AWS DynamoDB processing capabilities within Apache Cassandra. With DataStax Proxy for DynamoDB and Cassandra, developers can execute their DynamoDB processing abilities locally and benefit from Cassandra's scalability features, as well as in hybrid or multi-model configurations. Amazon DynamoDB is a key-value and document-oriented database that provides developers with great flexibility and a zero-intervention cloud experience. However, the tight integration of AWS, which makes all the appeal of DynamoDB in the cloud, constitutes a barrier for customers who want to use it locally. Cassandra has always supported key-value and tabular data sets. For DynamoDB workloads, DataStax clients only needed a translation operation to their storage engine. Today, we introduce a preview proxy that ensures compatibility with the DynamoDB SDK, allowing existing applications to read/write data to DataStax Enterprise (DSE) or Cassandra without any code modification. It also offers scalability benefits in Cassandra's hybrid and multi-model environments for DynamoDB users. If you simply need the code, you will find it on GitHub and DataStax Labs: