The whitepaper "Managing the Hybrid and MultiCloud Future" by DataStax outlines nine ways to navigate the complexities of hybrid cloud environments. With cloud computing evolving from a point-to-point service to an intricate fabric, data managers must ensure proper governance and accessibility across increasingly complex systems. The survey conducted by Unisphere Research reveals that 75% of database managers prefer a hybrid cloud architecture with both on-premise and public cloud components. Hybrid clouds are different from multi-cloud implementations, as the former combines public cloud services with on-premise systems in an integrated manner, while the latter involves employing multiple providers for specific workloads. The whitepaper highlights key considerations such as data governance, security, understanding usage patterns and costs, ensuring seamless integration of data across environments, leveraging self-service applications, and tracking resource consumption and spending. As hybrid and multi-cloud environments become more commonplace, data management becomes a shared responsibility, but data governance and security remain the ultimate responsibility of the enterprise.