Date Published
Robin Schumacher
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The DataStax whitepaper "Data Modeling in Apache Cassandra" provides a guide on choosing the right data model for your Apache Cassandra application in five steps. Cassandra is popular among architects and developers due to its performance, scalability, continuous availability, geographic distribution, and ease of management. Understanding how Cassandra stores data is crucial for developing an effective data model. Cassandra clusters consist of multiple nodes with redundant storage across nodes according to a replication factor. Tables in Cassandra are similar to RDBMS tables, with physical records spread across the cluster based on partition keys. The partition key is hashed to a 64-bit token that identifies the Cassandra node where data and replicas are stored. Queries using the partition key are fast as they can immediately determine the host holding required data. Since clusters can have many nodes, Cassandra can handle numerous simultaneous queries due to query and data distribution across cluster nodes.