Date Published
Jeffrey Carpenter
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The Spring Framework continues to be widely used for developing microservices in Java due to its numerous capabilities. In this issue, the Spring Data Starter project is introduced, which utilizes Spring Data Cassandra to provide a REST API backed by DataStax Astra. This example demonstrates how simple it is to quickly develop and test microservice applications using Cassandra as a data store. The repository's README guides users through setting up a free-forever Astra database, deploying the service with Gitpod in one click, and connecting the running service to their Astra database. Once the service is initialized, users can interact with the REST API via Swagger or fork the repository for customization. For more information on using Spring and Cassandra, consider attending the "Staying Ahead of the Curve with Spring and Cassandra 4" talk at SpringOne on September 2, 2020, featuring Alexandre Dutra of DataStax and Mark Paluch of VMware.