Date Published
David Fateh
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Here is a neutral, objective, and interesting summary of the text in one paragraph: Implementing pagination in React applications is crucial for ensuring a good user experience and maintaining fast page load times, especially when dealing with large datasets. Pagination divides data into chunks, displaying each chunk on a separate page while providing easy-to-use navigation buttons. There are four common ways to implement React pagination: client-side pagination, server-side pagination, using the React Paginate library, and using React Query (now known as TanStack Query). Each method has its benefits and drawbacks, and it's essential to choose the best solution for your project based on factors such as dataset size, API support, and user needs. Effective pagination can improve performance, reduce network traffic, and enhance overall user experience, making it an essential consideration for many types of websites, including ecommerce, search engines, critical websites, and those with large datasets.