Date Published
John Graham-Cumming
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Hacker News points


On August 28, 2012, John Graham-Cumming from Cloudflare introduced the concept of I'm Under Attack mode version 2.0 as a potential "I'm Doing Some Good" mode. This feature aims to utilize idle processing power during attack verification checks on websites using JavaScript delivered by Cloudflare. The idea is inspired by distributed computing projects like [email protected], Folding@home, and GIMPS that harness the power of internet-connected machines for collaborative work. The end users would not experience any difference in how I'm Under Attack Mode works today. However, this approach could potentially put idle processing power to good use by running distributed computing projects without any additional effort from website owners or end users. The challenge lies in selecting the right project that can be broken down into chunks and written in JavaScript. To gather suggestions for potential projects, Cloudflare invites the community to contribute their ideas in the comments section. The best and most implementable solution will be chosen by Cloudflare and implemented to turn a bad situation into a positive one.