Date Published
Matt Alonso, Greg McKeon
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Developers have been leveraging Durable Objects as a building block for distributed applications since their launch. These objects provide globally unique instances of a JavaScript class that can be accessed via a unique ID, making them suitable for stateful backend applications. However, there was no way to programmatically wake up an object until the introduction of Durable Object Alarms. These alarms allow developers to schedule objects to be woken up at a specific time in the future, unlocking new use cases such as queues and deferred processing. Alarms are more fine-grained than Cron Triggers and can be directly scheduled from within a Durable Object. They guarantee fault tolerance by being designed with no single point of failure and running entirely on Cloudflare's edge network. Developers can get started with Durable Object Alarms by enabling them in the Cloudflare dashboard and referring to the developer docs or Discord for more information.