Date Published
Rory Malone
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The European Union (EU) Cloud Code of Conduct (CoC) is a tool to demonstrate compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). It provides cloud service providers with detailed guidance on how they can meet their data protection obligations under the GDPR. The EU Cloud CoC sets out specific requirements and controls that cover areas such as: - Transparency, Information and Communication - Lawful, Fair & Transparent Processing - Data Minimization Principle - Accuracy of Personal Data - Storage Limitation - Integrity and Confidentiality (Security) - Accountability These are the same areas covered by the GDPR. Cloud service providers can use compliance with the EU Cloud CoC as a way to demonstrate that they meet these requirements too, providing assurance to their customers of their commitment to privacy and data protection standards. In addition to supporting cloud service providers in meeting their GDPR obligations, using the code also helps to promote consistency across the industry when it comes to handling personal data securely and responsibly. This is important because the use of cloud services can often involve multiple jurisdictions with different laws and regulations regarding data protection. By adopting a consistent approach through compliance with an approved code such as the EU Cloud CoC, service providers are helping their customers navigate these complexities more easily and effectively. At present, only one organisation is accredited to assess cloud services for compliance with the EU Cloud CoC; this is SCOPE Europe. However, other monitoring bodies may become accredited in future which would then be able to provide certification for compliance with the code too. The benefits of using the EU Cloud Code of Conduct include: - Demonstrating compliance with GDPR requirements through a clear and well-defined framework - Providing assurance to customers about your commitment to privacy and data protection standards - Helping to promote consistency across the industry when it comes to handling personal data securely and responsibly - Supporting cloud service providers in meeting their obligations under different jurisdictions' laws and regulations regarding data protection. Overall, compliance with the EU Cloud Code of Conduct is a valuable tool for both cloud service providers and their customers in ensuring that personal data is processed securely and responsibly in accordance with GDPR requirements.