Date Published
Thibault Meunier
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The Domain Name System (DNS) is a crucial component for accessing websites by matching names to resources. However, its attributes may not align with properties valued in distributed Web (dWeb) systems. Cloudflare Research has been exploring alternative ways to resolve queries and has announced a new resolver for the Distributed Web where IPFS content indexed by Ethereum Name Service (ENS) can be accessed. The InterPlanetary FileSystem (IPFS) is a peer-to-peer network for storing content on a distributed file system, while Ethereum is an account-based blockchain with smart contract capabilities. To access IPFS content, users can use DNSLink or ENS, which provides human-readable identifiers and turns them into blockchain addresses. Cloudflare's Distributed Web Resolver aims to make these services more accessible by providing a gateway dedicated to the distributed web, using Cloudflare Workers for increased reliability and security.