Date Published
Celso Martinho, Sofia Cardita, João Sousa Botto
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An Autonomous System (AS) is a crucial component of the internet, consisting of routable IP prefixes belonging to a single entity such as internet providers or governments. These ASes help connect users and systems to the rest of the internet by advertising how to reach them. Cloudflare has launched new Radar pages for Autonomous Systems, providing traffic statistics and trends that can reveal unusual events like outages, infrastructure anomalies, targeted attacks, or changes from service providers. The AS page offers insights into traffic levels, protocol use, security details, geographical distribution of traffic, and BGP announcements volume. Sudden increases in BGP announcements often indicate disruptive changes to the internet in a specific region or institution associated with an AS. Cloudflare is dedicated to increasing transparency on the inner workings of the internet to keep it more open and secure for everyone.