Date Published
Joseph So, Omar Mohammad, Yo'av Moshe
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Hacker News points


Cloudflare is introducing Account Owned Tokens, which allow organizations to improve access control for their services by creating tokens owned by accounts instead of individual users. This feature enables more flexibility in representing what access should be used for, removing the need for manual configurations and ensuring that access remains independent of user lifecycle events. The new feature can be found on the "API Tokens" tab under the "Manage Account" section of the Cloudflare dashboard. Additionally, Cloudflare is launching Zaraz Automated Actions, a new feature designed to streamline event tracking and tool integration when setting up third-party tools. With this feature, users can automate sending data to their third-party tools without manual configuration, reducing complexity and saving time. Zaraz Automated Actions offers flexibility in automating common actions like page views, e-commerce events, and custom tracking, allowing users to fine-tune which actions are automated based on their needs. The new feature is available for all existing tools, and users can toggle it on or off from the tool detail page in their Zaraz dashboard.