Date Published
Aug. 22, 2024
CARTO Contributors
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The year 2017 was marked by a series of significant global events including environmental, social, and political moments that had far-reaching impacts on people around the globe. The Total Solar Eclipse brought people together in awe, while the global refugee crisis continued to be a major story with millions displaced due to conflict and persecution. International sanctions were imposed against nations like Russia, North Korea, and Iran, and cyber attacks became increasingly prevalent. Natural disasters such as hurricanes, earthquakes, and wildfires caused massive damage and loss of life, highlighting the importance of climate action. The Catalan independence referendum and Brexit sparked debate on separatist movements across Europe, while films and public symbols reflected cultural and geographical divides. The amplification of women's voices was also a notable trend in 2017, with major events such as the Women's Marches and the #MeToo movement shedding light on important social issues.