Date Published
Liz Fieno
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Businesses are increasingly adopting Bring Your Own Carrier (BYOC) for their contact centers due to benefits such as more migration control, lower costs, improved customer experience, direct access to support, global scalability, and vendor consolidation. BYOC allows enterprises to unbundle their voice communications from their software platform, giving them greater control over migrations and reducing friction when moving around. Additionally, it offers reduced costs for both contact center and unified communications use cases, enabling organizations to pay only for the services they consume rather than a per-seat package. BYOC also helps bridge gaps between on-premises and cloud environments, allowing critical third-party tools like fraud scoring, caller authentication, conversational AI, Interactive Voice Response, and Natural Language Processing to be integrated seamlessly. Furthermore, it provides direct access to support during disruptions, ensuring quicker time to resolution and more operational uptime for happier customers. Lastly, BYOC enables global scale by allowing contact centers to migrate and move around the cloud with total control over where, when, and how it happens, while managing only one relationship regardless of their global footprint.