Apache Airflow has firmly established itself as the industry standard for data orchestration, with a surge in popularity and widespread adoption. The platform boasts over 31 million monthly downloads, 3,000+ contributors, 29,000 pull requests, and 77,000 organizations using Airflow. The State of Airflow Report 2025 captures insights from over 5,000 data professionals, revealing that Airflow is becoming the foundation for success in modern data ecosystems. It's indispensable, with over 90% of surveyed engineers recommending it as a foundational tool. Enterprise adoption is scaling rapidly, with large enterprises running over 20 production instances and handling higher data volumes. Airflow is driving direct business impact, with over 85% of users expecting an increase in external-facing or revenue-generating solutions built on the platform. The report also highlights growing reliance on Airflow for AI and machine learning workloads, as well as its flexibility in a multi-cloud world. With the upcoming release of Airflow 3.0, the future of data orchestration is brighter than ever, with features designed to make it more secure, intuitive, and responsive to data needs.