Date Published
Isla Sibanda
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The API lifecycle is a crucial aspect of software development that involves the creation, deployment, and maintenance of APIs throughout their entire lifespan, from conception to retirement. A well-defined API lifecycle ensures that APIs are designed, developed, deployed, and maintained in a consistent and controlled manner, aligning with business objectives and enhancing collaboration, flexibility, scalability, and user experiences. The stages of the API lifecycle include planning and design, development, testing, deployment, monitoring and maintenance, and retirement. Effective API lifecycle management requires collaboration between cross-functional teams and implementing governance policies, processes, and tools to streamline and automate various lifecycle activities. With the increasing adoption of microservices and event-driven architecture, serverless architecture, AI, and automation, API lifecycle management is continuously evolving to handle increased complexity and interdependencies. An API management platform like Ambassador can help companies manage the lifecycle by providing a comprehensive solution for managing every aspect of their API strategy, including Telepresence for developer experience, Edge Stack API for deployment and management, and Blackbird for automated tasks like dummy code creation.