Date Published
Peter Villani
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Search relevance is about finding the right information while maintaining a balance between customers' needs and online businesses. It involves matching search queries to content and anticipating customer intent. Relevance algorithms play a crucial role in this process, aiming to satisfy both customers and businesses. The concept of search relevance extends beyond traditional search methods to include browsing and discovery activities. Pulling (searching) and pushing (browsing) information are two parts of the whole relevance cycle. Good search engines can read between lines by using techniques like typo tolerance, synonyms, and category pages. Structuring content is essential for achieving good relevance, especially in smaller-scale applications like online marketplaces. Algolia's search engine allows customization based on the understanding of content, improving search results. Textual matching and ranking are key aspects of relevance algorithms, which help determine the best matches and order them accordingly. Personalizing results, recommending related items, and redirecting users to relevant pages further enhance the search experience.