Date Published
Peter Villani
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An API key is a string of characters used for identifying and authenticating an application or user accessing an API service. It is the standard security mechanism for applications providing services to other applications, although not the only method (APIs can also use JWT). The Google Maps API is an example that requires an API key; without it, users cannot access their map service. Some APIs do not require an API key, such as Youtube's URL for watching videos. API keys are unique identifiers made up of a combination of numbers and letters, usually containing over 64 characters. They enable servers to identify any developer or application attempting to access its services and define a set of access rights. Access rights authorize the requestor to take specific actions and forbid it from taking other actions. API keys can provide filter-based limitations, such as allowing users to update only certain indexes or restricting read-only access to sensitive data. However, security is paramount when using API keys; if a key is stolen or leaked, there's no more security. Some security safeguards require additional security checks and may involve requiring the API user to log in and use an unreadable token while logged in. API usage tracking is also important for improving the design and functionality of APIs by logging every request and analyzing its success and failures, number of requests, etc.