Date Published
Jaden Baptista
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Hacker News points


Jekyll is an open-source static site generator initially developed by Tom Preston-Werner, the creator of GitHub. Despite its role in starting the static/Jamstack movement, many developers have moved away from it. In 2021, Frank Taillandier, the last active maintainer of Jekyll, passed away, leaving the project without a shepherd. However, some companies still use Jekyll for their ecommerce projects due to the investment required to switch. In this article, we discuss how to integrate Algolia with Jekyll or any other custom, outdated, or unsupported framework in 2023. We provide a code snippet that demonstrates search functionality using Algolia's API keys and an index name. This approach is more flexible than having separate plugins for each framework and allows developers to collaborate on solutions for their respective projects. To test this integration, you can use Tom Preston-Werner's blog as a prototype Jekyll site or apply it to your sample project of choice. If you have any questions about adding search functionality to your site, feel free to reach out through Stack Overflow, our Discord server, or directly on our platform. Happy building!