Date Published
Vincent Caruana
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Ecommerce has become an integral part of modern life, with retail ecommerce sales exceeding $5.7 trillion worldwide in 2022 and projected to grow further. It encompasses a wide range of business transactions, from retail shopping sites and marketplaces to banking and auctions. The pandemic accelerated the adoption of ecommerce, and it continues to revolutionize the ways goods and services are promoted and sold. There are multiple variations of ecommerce that cater to different audiences, including B2C (business-to-consumer), B2B (business-to-business), C2C (consumer-to-consumer), C2B (consumer-to-business), DTC (direct-to-consumer), G2B (government-to-business), and C2A (consumer-to-administration). The key components of an ecommerce website include a storefront, product catalog, shopping cart, payment gateway, and order management system. Ecommerce has both advantages and disadvantages, with technology advancements such as AI, augmented reality, virtual reality, subscriptions, sustainable practices, and search capabilities playing crucial roles in shaping its future.