Aiven offers a robust ecosystem of tools and integrations to support both strategies of storing first and then analyzing, or analyzing first then storing, for managing logging and metrics data. Aiven provides managed data services such as OpenSearch, Apache Kafka, and ClickHouse, which can help businesses store and analyze their log and metric data effectively. Additionally, Aiven offers monitoring solutions like Aiven for Metrics (backed by Thanos) and Aiven for Grafana, which integrate with external providers like Amazon CloudWatch, Google Cloud logging, and Datadog. The choice between storing first and then analyzing, or analyzing first then storing, depends on the specific needs and priorities of the organization, with the former approach offering greater reliability suitable for most use cases, and the latter excelling in real-time observability and time-sensitive applications. Aiven simplifies the complexities of log and metric management, allowing businesses to focus on deriving value from their data.